Healing Relationship Trauma Feb 28, 2022
As I move deeper into my healing, I’m learning so much.
One of the things that is fascinating and kind of sad, is that when you’ve been in a string of toxic relationships,...
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How personal responsibility and surrender work hand in hand// Feb 21, 2022
How personal responsibility and surrender work hand in hand//
They seem like opposing thoughts, but only if you assume that personal responsibility is synonymous with controlling...
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Happy Valentine's Day... (I'm Here For It!) Feb 15, 2022

Valentine’s Day used to be such a triggering day for me, even (and sometimes especially) if I was in a relationship

Either I was with someone I didn’t WANT to celebrate the day of love...

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Transform Your Money Mindset in 2022 - Details Here! Feb 04, 2022
There’s this strange and magical energy in the air
Can you feel it?
It’s this energy of expansion and possibility
All the narrow focus on the last couple of years...
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Just.Keep.Going. Jan 20, 2022
There are a ton of CrAzY energies going around on the planet right now!
As we, as a human race, move powerfully into the next era - one of love, cooperation, grace, consideration,...
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Official launch of DĒP Ministries is here! Jan 12, 2022
*She says like she hasn't been counting down the days 😂*
Tomorrow, I am officially launching DĒP Ministries, and although I'm behind on ALMOST EVERYTHING, I am...
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Feeling and expressing our emotions... Jan 12, 2022
Part of claiming your inner divinity, especially as a woman, is fully embodying and expressing the way you feel when you feel it, no matter how other people might perceive you.
Others may...
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We've Got This! Jan 12, 2022
If there was ever a sequence of events that could take me out of the game permanently, the last few months of 2021 held all of them, and more.
The game of life.
The game of love.
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FREE CLASS: I'm not allowed to have more than I need... Dec 07, 2021
“I’m not allowed to have more than I need”
I was attempting to do a limiting belief clearing on myself last Friday on
“I’m not allowed to have good things”
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You Are Already Important Nov 28, 2021
We are important because of the people we are important to.
We were driving home from the lake last night, and we were commenting on how many people there were on the freeway.
And I was...
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Simplifying the Journey of Healing for All of Us! Nov 22, 2021
The calm before the storm
The breath before the plunge
The stillness before the tornado
Here I sit, on the eve of my next evolution (that’s the poetic eve, not the literal eve 😂)
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Why Do We Keep Our Heart-Center Open? Nov 18, 2021
Have you ever wondered why it feels better when you do an exercise, a meditation or a process with your heart center open? Or even to live that way in general?
I have known for a while...
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