How your brain🧠 is fucking with you... #manifestationmeditation #moneymindsetmakeover #moneymindsetmastery #moneymindsetmatters abundance mindset affirmations authenticity change divine timing evolution growth healers manifestation practical manifesting May 05, 2023

How Your Brain is F**king With You… (and how to get it to stop!) 

If you haven’t had a chance to check out my video about how the brain creates what it believes, let me give you...

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Spiritual leaders and healers, you are never done healing your own wounds and evolving authenticity evolution growth healers healing integrity manifestation manifesting spiritual leaders Apr 28, 2023
One of the biggest spiritual ego traps that people that follow a spiritual path can fall into
Is as a soon as they start to have a couple of people listening to what they say
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Are you feeling ready for big change ... but are a little afraid of it too? afraid change evolution growth ready for change uncomfortable Apr 24, 2023

My love, if you're feeling stuck but ready to take a leap, know that you're not alone. Fear can be paralyzing, but it doesn't have to stop you. Here are some actionable steps you can take to start...

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Where people go wrong in relationships abundace mindset affirmations growth money money mindset responsibility Mar 06, 2023
I’m not a relationship expert, by any means, which is why I don’t teach it. It’s the final frontier I am conquering and mastering…
And boy is it painfully slow...
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