Sep 07, 2023
I hear this from time to time
And it’s valid
Usually the people who have this belief
Have tried a LOT of things
Maybe they’ve tried absolutely EVERYTHING they can think of
And legitimately nothing has worked
And there’s a reason for that
Let’s birds-eye view this for a moment
The brain has one job, and one job alone.
Keep everything working THE SAME AS IT ALWAYS HAS.
The part MOST people miss is;
What does that mean?
That means if there’s the belief “Nothing works for me” buried deep in the unconscious mind
Which spoiler alert: If the thought comes up, the belief is there
The brain has only one option: keep everything the same.
It has to prove that belief right.
Because if something actually WORKED, it would change everything.
And the brains job is to keep everything the same.
So no matter whether the thing DOES ACTUALLY WORK or not
The brain will torpedo it to make sure it DOESNT
That can look like you give up too soon, you keep changing small things that undermine the whole process or structure, or you simply don’t notice the positive changes
Thereby reinforcing: Nothing works for me
The ONLY way to find something that works for you, is to clear this limiting belief first.
And the only way to clear this limiting belief is with Timeline Therapy or hypnosis.
Like my client Dan.
He was trying, trying, trying to scale his business past $12K a month.
He’d spent hundreds of thousands of dollars
Over a 10 year period
And tried so many things - that even I had never heard of - just to find something that worked.
And when we started working together, nothing was working for him again.
UNTIL I finally spotted that limiting belief that underlined ALL the work he had done.
Soon after, Dan’s income popped up to $17K consistently.
Then it climbed to $24K.
Then it bounced to $35K.
And even landed on $50K one month
Incredible! And not the first or last time, I dare say.
We actually clear this limiting belief in Practical Manifesting (my signature group program)
Email me at [email protected] if you want more info
Holding you in gorgeous manifesting energy,
Abi xoxo
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