๐๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ ๐๐๐ซ ๐จ๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ ๐๐๐ซ๐ค
Nov 25, 2024
Did you know that crime documentaries are watched by over 70% of streaming audiences?
Whether it’s binging on true crime shows or scrolling through shocking headlines, we can’t seem to look away from the dark side of humanity—even when it makes us uncomfortable. But why are we drawn to the things that scare us the most?
Just like we’re drawn to the darkness in others, we also carry a fear of our own inner darkness—those parts of ourselves we avoid.
We’re both repelled and intrigued by those parts of humanity that aren’t being the good little humans we are supposed to be.
But here’s the thing: we can’t stay voyeurs anymore.
By only focusing on the light, we’re sending the message that having darkness within us makes us ๐๐๐๐๐๐ or ๐ข๐๐ค๐๐๐กโ๐ฆ. But here’s the truth: avoiding these parts of ourselves only makes us feel more disconnected, less whole, and more ashamed.
Today, I want to buck the stereotype completely and give you five reasons why you should start the journey of embracing your darkness and learning how not to be afraid.
Let’s dive in!
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When you know your darkness, you can own it when it lashes out. You can apologize & take responsibility. This will lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships and emotional intimacy.
This is an important part of adulting.
For example, think about a time when you lashed out at someone you love. Owning that moment, apologizing, and acknowledging where it came from allows for healing and trust.
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When you know your darkness, you can release judgment you have of others. You can see your own patterns reflected in them. Instead of repulsion or triggering, it can bring you closer.
When you recognize that your flaws and fears are just a part of being human, you start to see them in others too.
Instead of pushing people away, you’ll draw closer with empathy.
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When you know your darkness it cannot hijack you.
Have you ever caught yourself behaving in a way that feels completely unlike you? Maybe you’re doing or saying something you never, ever have before. Horrified. That is your unacknowledged darkness taking the wheel after decades of neglect.
It’s like driving a car with an unruly passenger. If you never acknowledge they’re there, they might grab the wheel. But if you know where they are, you can always keep control.
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This is the most important reason for knowing your darkness.
You cannot only accept your light parts. You can’t parcel yourself up and just select the parts of yourself that are acceptable like a buffet. The relief of not having to fight yourself anymore is immeasurable.
Imagine what it feels like to stop hiding from your own reflection.
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When you embrace your own darkness, people around you feel that energy. A close friend might see your journey and finally feel empowered to confront their own struggles, creating a ripple effect of healing.
Decades of conflict can come to an end. Years of self-abuse can be stopped forever. They can open a brand new chapter, that looks and feels more like the life they had in mind
When we start to accept our own darkness, we give others permission to do the same. This shift can create the space for something we’ve all been searching for—peace.
The world right now is overflowing with fear, division, and avoidance. If we want to change that, we have to start with ourselves. We have to be brave enough to face our shadows and embrace the parts we’ve been running from.
Only then can we truly evolve and find real peace.
Which is what we are here for.
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1. Start journaling about moments when your shadow side takes over.
2. Reflect on the patterns or triggers behind those moments.
3. Practice forgiveness and acceptance of those parts.
So, what’s one part of yourself you’ve been avoiding? Today’s the day to start your journey of acceptance 

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