“Can you talk about how manifestation science ties in with health?”
Jan 15, 2025
I got this request today from Stergios, who’s playing The Science of Manifestation Game right now. What a fantastic request! Because who among us hasn’t experienced challenges with our body, whether that’s health or weight related, injuries, pain, addiction… There isn't a human alive that hasn’t experienced SOMETHING unpleasant with their body. Applying the science behind manifestation is totally possible for health, and I’ll walk you through how today But first… Let’s start with some context. Here are a few things you need to know before we talk about solutions.
What does that look like IRL (in real life)? If you have read the last few emails, you know that all resistance blocking you from what you want - in this case: great health! - comes from one of four places:
I’m a fan of speed and the path of least resistance, so I recommend doing these activities in this order, and only move onto the next one if the previous exercise doesn’t resolve this for you: First Try simply talking with your body. It can be very communicative if you give it a space. Relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a secure place where no one can interrupt you. Call your body into the room. Ask it what it has been trying to tell you. Ask it what it needs to feel supported in order to release pain, illness, tension, etc. Ask it for practical examples of what that looks like on a day to day basis. What are the precise actions you can take? Do those things! This is an exercise that works around homeostasis. Second If you don’t get any information on that step, or you do the actions and they aren’t helping, try this exercise. Close your eyes and imagine a scene in the future where you are experiencing the health that you crave. Maybe you are pain free. Maybe you feel leaner and lighter. Whatever that looks like to you, imagine very specific moments of what that will look like and most importantly, what that will feel like. Stay with each image and set of feelings for as long as you can, and then release it for the next image. Ex. You might imagine yourself hiking feeling fit and comfortable in your body. Next, you might imagine yourself playing with young children feeling comfortable and flexible. Etc. Do this for 15-20 mins a day, and watch your behavior shift! This is a frequency based exercise. Third Lastly, I would recommend tackling any limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck at this level of health. You can find those by finishing this sentence with the first thing that comes to mind: I would be healthy right now but… Repeat that until the reasons start to duplicate. These are the limiting beliefs that your brain believes is your “comfort zone”, which means any time you try to go outside of these, your brain will stop you dead in your tracks with something like apathy, confusion, overwhelm or lack of interest. Clear these beliefs with hypnosis, NLP or ELD (if you don’t have a good source for clearing processes, you can find all the processes you need in my Alchemy & Abundance Vault , specifically in The Game Changer) You’ve got this. You absolutely deserve to be in your best health while you live your best life! |
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