Glitch Detected: Your Brain Is Catfishing You.

Mar 14, 2025

Your Brain Is Running Outdated Software

If you think you’re seeing “reality,” I have bad news.

You’re not.

Your brain is like a cheap magician at a kid’s birthday party. It distracts you with one hand while deleting 99.9% of what’s actually happening with the other.

Here’s the hard data:

🧠 Your brain processes 11 million bits of data per second—but it only lets in about 64.
The rest? Deleted. Filtered out. Scrapped like an embarrassing old Myspace page.

And here’s the real kicker:
Your brain only keeps what confirms what you already believe.

If you think “money is hard to make,” your brain literally erases proof that money is easy.
If you think “I’m not lucky,” your brain filters out all the evidence that you actually are.
If you think “life is hard,” your brain goes, Okay boss! Let’s make sure you only notice struggle!”

Basically, you’re not seeing reality.
You’re seeing a hallucination, carefully curated by your past beliefs.

πŸ”₯ THE GLITCH: Your Brain Has Been Gaslighting You

Most people think they need more knowledge, more clarity, or a better strategy.

What you actually need is to override the outdated software running in your head.

🚨 Because guess what?
You weren’t born doubting yourself.
You weren’t born thinking success had to be hard.
You weren’t born believing you needed to “prove” your worth before good things could happen.

Somewhere along the line, your brain downloaded a faulty program—like accidentally clicking on one of those “Congratulations, you’ve won a free iPad!” pop-ups.

And now? It’s trapping you inside a version of life that isn’t even real.

But here’s the good news:

πŸš€ You can override the system.
πŸš€ You can reprogram what your brain allows into your reality.
πŸš€ You can literally start seeing the proof you’ve been filtering out this whole time.

πŸ”₯ THE ACTION: Hack Your Own Brain (Right Now)

Your challenge:
πŸ’₯ Find one piece of evidence TODAY that contradicts something you believe about success, money, or happiness.

⚑️ If you believe money is hard to make, go find proof that it’s easy. (Check your inbox—you probably got a random refund, a discount, or an offer you forgot about.)
⚑️ If you believe you never get lucky, look for a moment you actually did. (Like that time you grabbed the last parking spot or found money in your pocket.)
⚑️ If you believe “things take time,” go find proof that quantum shifts happen overnight. (The world literally shut down in a week in 2020. Reality moves FAST when it wants to.)

πŸ“Œ Screenshot it. Write it down.
You are forcing your brain to let in a new reality.

πŸ’₯ Reply with "GLITCH OVERRIDE" once you find your proof, and send it.
Let’s reprogram your reality. πŸš€πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯ FINAL LOCK-IN: Don’t Let Your Brain Play You.

Your brain is like an overprotective parent who never let you play outside because “the world is dangerous.”
It means well, but it’s keeping you in a tiny, restricted version of reality.

You get to override the filters.
You get to see the full picture.
You get to decide what’s true.

πŸš€ Are you doing this, or are you staying in the glitch?

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