Feeling stuck, stalled and frustrated? Read on…

Mar 08, 2025

I have a good idea how you’re feeling right now because I recently talked to about 60 people just like you, and they’re in the same boat. rac


  1. A) You are in a corporate job that isn’t allowing you to grow in income or otherwise, without changing jobs, industries or starting a side hustle 

Whether you enjoy what you’re doing or not, you’re still feeling constrained. Like you have more to do in this world, but you’re exhausted by the time you get home and there’s not a lot of energy left to do anything except take care of essentials and rest


  1. B) You have your own business and you’ve hit an income ceiling for reasons you know about or you don’t, and you KNOW something has to shift in the way that you’re operating, but you’re already stretched too thin, and you can’t afford months of leisurely experimentation to throw spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks 


Something’s gotta give before your brain breaks and your energy gives out 

Because you can feel time passing and you already feel like you’re way behind where you’re supposed to be 

(Not to mention the voices in your head that are constantly telling you WHY you are in the position that you are in and are rubbing your nose in all your mistakes. Jerks!) 

Bottom line: You are smart, talented, and you have a unique stamp to leave on this Earth while you are here and you keep hitting brick walls which is driving you a little nutty! 

You are frustrated, exhausted, longing for a clear path forward that will WORK and probably more than a little mad at yourself for what’s going on right now. 

If you relate to this, then you’re definitely not alone. That is how 99% of my clients and students feel when they first meet me. 

Like Don. When Don found me on Facebook he’d been stuck in his job for a long time, feeling really frustrated because he knew he had more potential but he didn’t have time or energy to pursue it, and he had been burned a few times by coaches in the past. He didn’t trust me or the coaching industry in general. 

And I told Don what I told everyone when they bump up against their fear or confusion. 

Check in with intuition. 

Well he did. And intuition told him to go ahead and enroll in my program. 

Within a few weeks Don had doubled his income. 

Now, three months later, he has started following his dreams and recently enrolled in my certification course to learn HOW I do what I do, so he can do it too! 

See Don’s whole story here - it’s so inspiring! 

Does any of this resonate with you? 

If so… you’re in the right place! 

Unlock The Science of Manifestation Game! 

This free game will teach you how to leverage physics, neuroscience and biological principles to manifest the exact life that you want. And have fun doing it! 

Join us now. 


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