𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲, 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 & 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐬

Sep 30, 2024

𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲, 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 & 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐬//

(This is a medium long read, but worth it if you are experiencing internal conflict. Doubly so, if that is due to expansion)

I’ve shared that I’ve been irritated lately.

Yesterday it was at an all time high and accompanied by physical resistance (my body would not move when it was time to eat, and felt nauseous at everything I was eating) so I decided to take some sage advice from two of my friends and immerse my body in water.

What’s happening to me - for context - is large parts of my distorted humanity are falling away to reveal the highest soul essence that can embody this frequency on Earth, and it is having trouble adjusting to the 3D. It hasn’t existed at this low of a frequency before, and things feel very slow and cumbersome. But parts of my 3D still exist (thank God!!) to allow for a graduated immersion. And the two are struggling to co-exist within the same body.

Back to my bath. It was magic. The water acted like a lubricant for the conversation and I could instantly tell what was happening.

My soul was screaming “This is way too fucking slow!”

My body was screaming “This is way too fucking fast!”

My mind was rubbing its forehead saying “I can’t handle this”

And my consciousness was sighing “This is way too fucking much”

So there was a 4-way internal conflict. Yeah. No wonder I was irritated. 

I started with the body. Because without the body, nothing gets done on Earth (even though my soul was screaming about its importance ). I asked it what it needed to get back into partnership with the whole.

It wanted me to stop. It showed me I was stretching it to the very edges of its capacity and it’s overworked. I showed it images of what we are becoming and why we are doing this. It agreed it wanted that, but at a slower pace.

So we had to bargain. I apologized (again) for how I’ve treated it over the last 20 years, but that my actions have led to a point where the machinery isn’t working and drastic action was the only action.

My body sighed in acknowledgment, glad it wasn’t being blamed, and just asked for more softness on the form of baths, rest, blankets and massages. I agreed! Success! We had an accord.

Next my soul: My soul wants to pick up the pace. I reflected to it we are already going faster than my body can handle. My soul tried to override that saying we were just going to have to keep pushing but I reminded it that without body, we aren’t on planet Earth. It has the final say, ultimately. It grudgingly agreed to let the body set the pace. Success! Albeit grudging  

My mind just wanted order, I just wanted harmony. Those were easy.

As soon as we agreed, more magic happened.

So much energy started pumping through me, the bath water - which had become cool - was almost a burning temperature. My body, soul & mind got to work on the integration.

And I felt peace

It’s not over… as there is still a low-grade irritation and teeth-gnashing this morning, at having to get back to the rigid diet, but at least we are all pulling in the same direction.

I call that success!

If you learn anything from this, please take this with you:

- Don’t ignore your body. It has the ultimate say. Honor it. Listen. Pay attention. It will absolutely stop you in your tracks if you don’t.

- Do your best to stay in harmony. All parts of you want something different and there are opportunities for win-wins

- No matter where you are, what you are feeling and experiencing or what you want, it is all valid. You are the captain of your own ship. You own your experience in life. So… own it!


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