3 surprising things from my 40 hr fast
Oct 24, 2024
3 surprising things from my 40 hr fast//
I’m coming off my first 40 hr fast … 90 mins to go.
I’ve done 24 before and they were typically a struggle.
But this one took me by surprise…
- I didn’t have any of the usual symptoms from an all day fast. No nausea, no dizziness, no fatigue, no anxiety … I didn’t take a single nap Wasn’t feeling it
- I usually hit a hard patch around 18-20 hrs, where I’m DONE. I braced myself for it … and it never arrived. I looked at the clock at one point and realized I was 22 hrs in - I had sailed right past it without even noticing.
- I didn’t get hungry. 40 hrs with no food and I wasn’t hungry once. This was unheard of in my experience.
As I pondered this, I realized that something vital and dramatic has shifted within me since starting my new health plan.
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It knew I was going to feed it in right timing. It knew I would take care of it. There wasn’t a single moment of doubt or uncertainty.
All the new boundaries I have set and maintained unwaveringly, have created something extremely beautiful within me: a place of safety within myself.
Not emotional safety.
Physical safety.
My body knows unequivocally: I’ve got it.
And this is the first time in my life I’ve experienced this sensation.
Historically, when faced with the prospect of removing things like sugar, dairy, almost all fruit, potatoes and even wine, you would’ve heard me say things like:
Oh, I can’t do that.
I’m not going to do that.
You only live once, what’s the point if you can’t enjoy yourself?
There is no world in which I can survive the counterweight of deprivation that will happen if I try to be that rigid with myself.
Oh, I could only do that for a month and then resistance would kick in with a vengeance and I wouldn’t recover for months.
All helplessness narratives. No trust. No grit. Zero belief in my ability to control my body, my cravings, my behavior.
It reinforces the suspicion I had a couple of weeks ago about the body acting like a toddler who’s never experienced boundaries before.
The body runs by the same rules children do.
Children- although resistant to boundaries- actually need them for a sense of emotional and physical security. Without boundaries, they will continue to push until they find them to know ๐คโ๐๐๐ they are safe.
Where there are no limits, there is no trust & security. Where there are no limits with self, there is no trust & security within self.
Whipping and punishing children isn’t effective either - it just creates fear & obedience, not trust.
Loving, firm limits creates a deep sense of self-mastery & certainty.
What would change in your life if you believed you could do anything when it comes to taking care of your body?
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