Hello beautiful soul. 

Nice to meet you!



Hello beautiful soul. 

Nice to meet you!


Allow me to introduce myself!


My name is Sarah and I would like to introduce myself real quickly so you can get to know me: I’m born and raised in Germany and I am part of Abi’s coaching team. I’m certified by Abi in Hypnosis, NLP, and Timeline Therapy. I started my coaching practice in October 2020. In my free time, I love to travel, I really enjoy the beach and the sun, I like to be in nature and to go to the gym, cooking new recipes is fun for me and of course I also like to have relaxed “watching Netflix” nights.  

My journey with hypnosis and discovering myself started in summer 2019. It just happened that I visited one of my close friends and as soon as I arrived at her place, she said: “Sarah, I learned hypnosis and past life regression. You need to try it out!”

I was curious, so I gave it a try and I was absolutely blown away by what happened in my first hypnosis session: I was able to deeply connect with myself for the first time in my whole life and to receive insights about my soul purpose.

After a few hypnosis sessions with my friend, I gained so much confidence that I began to realize myself and started my first online business. It was so much fun, but also very stressful and honestly we didn’t make a lot of money - we actually lost a lot of money. At the same time, I was exhausted from working on my 9-5 and running my own business.

During that time period, I stumbled across Abi Levine in a Facebook group where she was talking about the energy of money. And I thought to myself: “Maybe I should work on my money mindset. That might be the problem.”

So I joined her program “Quantum Wealth Alchemy” and that’s where the real magic started to happen! Through working on my inner healing and my relationship with resource flow I manifested the most wonderful things into my life e.g. weeks where I got invited for lunch all the time, money from unexpected sources dropping into my bank account, new job opportunities falling into my lap, I tripled my income in summer 2020 (during the pandemic!) and the best thing that happened: I quit my 9-5 and I started my soul aligned business: my coaching business and joining Abi’s team.

When I saw what I was able to manifest into reality, I thought to myself: “More people need to know about this, I want to help and support people to realize that they are the creator of their life.”

And that’s how I got into coaching. 

My favorite people to work with are the ones who are ready for the change, who might be feeling stuck and have a voice inside of them saying “There must be more”, who are ready to welcome abundance into their life but simply don’t know how! It lights me up to see when people realize how powerful they are and that they can change their life at any given time, that they are not being condemned in a certain reality. That things can and will be different by doing the inner healing and creating new beliefs systems in the subconscious mind.

I absolutely love to support beautiful souls like you, to help them to step back into their inner power, to become the creator of their life again, to heal trauma from the past, to find their purpose, to change certain behaviors patterns which are blocking them, to release the underlying causes of anxiety, insomnia etc., to fall in love with themselves again and to heal and release limiting beliefs holding them back.

I am so happy and grateful to be part of Abi’s coaching team because she showed me that we are worthy of all our desires and that we deserve freedom, happiness, joy, wealth and abundance in every areas of our life at any given time. She really empowered me to see that we are the ones who are able to make the change today.


Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!


Book With Sarah